
Good2bHome store

This set of pictogram is used for a dutch design furniture web store, aimed to show different categories. I think these pictograms working very well. Even I can’t read dutch but I could still understand each categories clearly. Each pictogram are being labeled. This helps the user identify clearly to each category. The drawing technique is very simple, which is very well use for a web store to show different categories. As this could allow any type of users to understand and capture each category in a short period of time. However, the lamp category was drawn less simple as it was drawn in a see through perspective, which I think is not necessary. I like how the bed category was drawn with a moon. It used a situation (bed time) to exaggerate the meaning of the object, which could be understand a cross any cultures. Each of the furniture are drawn in the same size and placed in the centre within the box, which shows the consistency. The lines to construct these drawing are very thin which match with the type of font, as well as the simple use of colour. This combination helps to create a elegant impression to the users. 

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