
Gucci campaign

Gucci's collaboration with illustrator Micheal Roberts and UNICEF produced a children's book based on Snowman in Paradise (Chronicle Books, 2004). The story is about a snowman longing for a reprieve from New York city to Africa. At the end the snowman arrives at the heart warming

The book title is called Snowman in Africa. This is exclusively on sale in Gucci stores from now til 31 Dec!!!! All money will donate to UNICEF. His illustraion in this campaign is very distinctive and symbolic! Love it!

Here is the animation of this campaign:


The golden section

I am currently doing the golden ratio in one of the module. And I found this golden ratio is quite interesting and useful, so want to share with you guys in here.
The golden section proportion is 1:1.618. This golden ratio can be applied in nature, human, art, architects etc....
Here is a golden ratio software that i found: http://www.markuswelz.de/software2/index.html